Technology Integration

Go to:  Visual Arts  •  Performing Arts  •  Library  •  Technology Integration  •  Makerspace

In the lower grades, we are developing good digital citizens. We focus on learning the skills of being responsible with our devices, researching using school-approved websites, proper & safe logins for school platforms, and being active digital learners.

In the upper grades, students utilize their own devices daily and learn to navigate their own digital footprint with typing, researching, and sharing assignments. They discuss digital citizenship during advisory as well as within specific digital lessons that focus on the current needs of our students including: social media etiquette, video game play time, and general device usage/screen time management.

Upper grades using tech

3rd Grade Class Projects

Presentations of Black Children’s Illustrators

Illustrator Bryan Collier

Illustrator Christian Robinson

Illustrator Mechal Renee Roe

Illustrator Vanessa Brantley Newton

4th Grade Class Projects

Poetry Videos, Original and Song Form for Black History Month

Safer Internet Day Grant Winner logo
Safer Internet Day Participant logo